Why travel
with us?
Put simply, we visit some of the best diving locations in the world!
Norway, Scapa Flow, Croatia, Truk Lagoon, Malin Head, Jutland, Malta, NE Scotland, English Channel, French Caves, Florida's Caves. In addition, plans are afoot for future trips to visit the wrecks in the Baltic, Gallipoli, The Great Lakes and the Philippines.
You'll get to travel with divers who share similar interests to yourself. Whilst occasionally a larger group of people will book together, we very much cater for smaller groups and individuals. Divers often form long lasting friendships and go on to join expeds together.
Having a trained and experienced technician along with an indepth knowledge of dive equipment - especially rebreathers - can be useful when your own equipment malfunctions in remote locations. Whilst we cannot guarantee to get you up and running every time, we'll always try our best - we take as many spares parts and equipment that logistics will allow!